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  1. P roject

Choose one of the organizations from the list and give a short presentation of it.

1. The Boys’ Brigade

6. The Rockers

2. The Boy Scouts

7. The Hippies

3. The Girl Guides

8. The Skinheads

4. The Teddy Boys

9. The Punk Rockers

5. The Mods

10. Zhovteniata, Pioneer and Komsomol organizations in the Soviet Union

  1. Scouts badges

Match the badge and the activity it is given for.

1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .

8 .

Climber Activity Badge

Cyclist Activity Badge

Writer Activity Badge

Athletics Activity Badge

Meteorologist Activity Badge

Hobbies Activity Badge

Camp Cook Activity Badge

Hiker Activity Badge

Lesson 49.

1 . Speaking

Discuss the answers to these questions.

1. How important is it to be intelligent? Is intelligence necessary for success?

2. Is it possible to be too intelligent?

3. Do highly intelligent people have more problems or fewer problems than people with average intelligence?

2 . Predict

Skim the three readings and make predictions.

1. What do you think the word dunce means in Reading 1?

2. What percentage of the population are geniuses?

3. Why are geniuses lonely?

3 . Reading

Read the three articles.


What’s better: a dunce or a genuis?

A dunce, which means a very stupid person, is an eponymous term – a word that comes from someone’s name. In this case, the person was John Duns Scotus. He was a thirteenth-century philosopher. Duns was not really stupid, but he had some strange ideas. Although he was very respected in his time, other philosophers began to criticize him after he died. His followers, the dunsmen, were fanatical believers in his ideas. They refused to give them up and people began to laugh at them. And so, dunce came to mean idiot.

The dunce cap also came from John Duns. He believed that conical hats increased learning. His theory suggested that knowledge is centralized at the point of the cone and then funneled down into the brain of the wearer. People soon realized that this was an idiotic idea. So the dunce cap became a symbol of stupidity.

However, being a dunce isn’t all bad. There are a lot of famous people that seemed like dunces to their teachers.

* Albert Einstein couldn’t read until he was seven.

* Isaac newton did poorly in grade school.

* When Thomas Edison was a boy, his teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything.

* Leo Tolstoy flunked out of college.

* Wernher von Braun (father of the US space programme) failed ninth-grade algebra.

* Louis Pasteur got a C in chemistry in college.

More recently, Bill Bradley, a former U.S. senator, got a very low score on his college entrance examination. He scored only 485 out of a possible 800, yet he became a Rhodes scholar and a well-known lawmaker. These men prove that children who are slow starters, students who got poor grades, and people who don’t do well on tests may do very well in life.

On the other hand, there are geniuses who are absolute failures outside the classroom. For example, Theodore Kaczynski, better known as “The Unabomber”, was no dunce at all. He skipped two years of high school, graduated from Harvard, and got a Ph.D. in math. After graduating he was unable to cope with the outside world, and he went insane. He moved to Montana to live alone and started sending letter bombs to people he didn’t know. I’d much rather live in a country run by dunces such as Albert Einstein and Bill Bradley than by geniuses like Theodore Kaczynski.